Creative Coaching with Joy Hellman

Creative Affirmations

Creativity Affirmations

I am a brilliant and successful artist.
I am allowed to nurture my artist
I am confident and competent in my creative work.
I am tolerant of the ambiguity in problems.
I am willing to be of service through my creativity.
I am willing to create
I am willing to experience my creative energy.
I am willing to learn to let myself create
I am willing to use my creative talents.
I begin every task by thinking of new and better ways to accomplish it.
I consider many possible solutions from many diverse sources.
I deserve a rewarding creative life.
I have a constant flow of new and interesting ideas.
I have an adventurous mind and seen new experiences regularly.
I have an unusual ability to reach creative decisions and to find creative solutions for problems.
I have rich creative talents.
I have the courage and self-confidence necessary to put my solutions into practice.
I have the strength and persistence necessary to work ideas through to solutions.
I maintain a complexity of outlook on life.
I play with partial, incomplete and sometimes foolish ideas.
I recognise the task of making mistakes but learn from my failures.
I spend ten minutes each morning and evening, thinking over problems.
I treat each new problem I encounter as a new door to be opened, and an opportunity to be creative.
I trust my feelings and unconscious thoughts.
My creativity always leads me to truth and love
My creativity heals myself and others
My creativity leads me to forgiveness and self-forgiveness.
Through the use of a few simple tools, my creativity will flourish.


  1. I love these affirmations Joy! I'm going to use a few of them myself in fact ;D

  2. Thanks Patricia. I am planning to create a video with images and post it but it would be even more powerful for you to write your own affirmations... I will post a video and assignment around affirmations or the power of words as the next prictice in the Kiss of the Muse group today... I look forward to seeing what the group does around affirmations... Joy


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