Visit of the Muse

Visit of the Muse

 Vision of Intention Create Your Dream



This is where I will be setting up your program. Please join  so that you receive the posted material which will be available after the three month program. This is also where I will set up a private art gallery for those who want share their creative process. I will post images in my blog gallery. Videos will also be included. I will also post a separate creative coaching page 


Material for program



Three section notebook for assignments and daily journaling

Folders with pockets for collected images for collage and found poems quotations and or words. You can also use zip lock freezer bags

Mixed Media journal for collage painting mixed media poems quotations writing etc..

Post- it notes

Different drawing and writing tools

Glue or glue stick

Watercolor inexpensive and set of acrylics

Brushes for painting and gluing

Colored markers

Old magazines, catalogs Search internet for images and set up a folder for collage projects.( optional)

Collage papers scrapbook paper is ok whatever you have... you will be collecting and creating collage material as you go.

Large piece of poster board or a bulletin board where you will do posts of images words inspiration material on going

Pins or tacks..  (you will change this space throughout the whole program according to subject assignment and theme


Other material will be listed as creative assignments coming up.

Tape recorder or audio on camera this is optional and we will talk about how you will use it later on in the program...

Music you can also find this on You Tube, Music Choice and Pandora  I will also be sending meditation music that I use or you can use your own

Space to set up for the program even a table will work.


First Assignment Journal Prompt



Who am I?

Where am I in my life?

Life evaluation and assessment



Where do I want to be?

This will be the theme for your first assignment



Is this what I want to be doing?



This very moment is, always, the only moment in which you can make changes. Knowing which changes are best for you comes, always, from assessing what you feel. Ask yourself many times every day if you like what you're doing. If the answer is no, start noticing what you'd prefer.





Thus begins the revolution and transformation….



We begin the journey







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